AEDS-OR builds wealth within African immigrant communities through economic development activities.
The mission of African Economic Development Solutions (AEDS) . . .
African Economic Development Solutions had a simple goal: we want our clients to build businesses that create jobs with livable wages. We want families to own homes and to break free of poverty. We strive to connect and build vibrant communities with creativity and social connection.

Helping African Immigrants Develop Businesses
As a lending organization, established in 2008, we help African immigrants build and develop businesses through small business loans, micro-loans, and relief loans. We look forward to learning about your business and how we can help you grow.

Unleash Entrepreneurship's Power
Our staff and consultants help aspiring entrepreneurs turn their ideas into lucrative businesses from development to survive and thrive. Our Business Development Training teaches pertinent business skills indispensable for success. Through Technical Assistance & Consulting, we support a diverse and growing portfolio of emerging and established small businesses needs.
Become a Knowledgeable Homeowner
We aim to assist African immigrants and other marginalized Americans in gaining wealth through homeownership. On Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m, we offer a course, Home Stretch, to offer knowledge and answers to your questions about homeownership. After completion of the Home Stretch course, we offer a bonus one-on-one Counseling & Advising session to answer your specific homeownership concerns.

2023 Statistics
African Economic Development Solutions believes that access to key resources, supportive institutional frameworks, and nourishing environments are necessary for creating financial success within marginalized communities.